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Covid-19 and metal detecting

During these strange times of Coronavirus, it seems that no one has gone unaffected in some way or another. It appears that the changes that have been imposed upon us may have a lasting effect, possibly indefinitely. Most of us have quite understandably focussed on the negative impact of Covid-19, we have thought about the things we can no longer do or the places we can no longer go, no more so than those of us who are usually that strange lone figure in a distant field, the Metal Detectorist!

However, and this is quite a big however, it has become apparent to me that there are many positive aspects to arrive with the doom and gloom of Covid-19.

I am ashamedly guilty of being at times the detecting equivalent of a spoilt brat, I have arrived back home after a day detecting thoroughly hacked off because I didn’t find another bronze age axe head, or a gold hammered coin. I have scoffed at finding a perfect condition George III silver sixpence or moaned at finding yet another bloody cartwheel penny. I even became bored with finding yet another Edward I silver hammered coin!

I think this partly falls to a self-imposed high standard, I have been fortunate enough over the years to have found some simply amazing finds, but with those great finds came a higher self-expectation. In short, I had forgotten how I felt at finding my first coin, it was a Victoria half penny, at the time I was elated. I had forgotten how I felt at finding my first spindle whorl and cup weight, or the sheer joy I felt when I found my first ever silver hammered should have been unforgettable. But with time and with the great finds that I have been lucky enough to find over the years, I had all too easily forgotten how the simple finds made it all worth while.

The Covid-19 lock down has changed that for me now, I have looked out over the fields bathed in the spring sun wishing and longing to be back out there, I would now be happy just to be out there digging and not caring about what I may find.

Like many of us I have sorted through old finds during lock down and in doing so, some of the more simple finds made me smile thinking about the time I found it, where I was and how happy I was to have found it. So, it seems for me at least that this lock down has been like a detecting detox, it has reset my detecting priorities and made me think about why we spend all those hours doing what we do. It has made me appreciate just how lucky we are to be out there in this wonderful country’s great outdoors and that any finds are just a bonus.

I can’t wait to get back out there again, I have given up being frustrated waiting for the green light to let us go and instead I have enjoyed the extra time I have with my family.

I know that the longer this lock down continues the more I will enjoy our wonderful hobby when we finally get back out there digging. As we all know, those amazing treasures will still be there waiting for us to walk over them!

Happy hunting.

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